A Numberish number is probably the most generic card you will find on your Numberish dashboard. A switch can hold only 2 values, a slider has a fixed and limited number of values. But when you want to store and share the number of today’s raindrops, then this cannot be stored in a switch or slider card. So for all other numeric values, use a number card.
At your Numberish dashboard, click the + sign behind the Number item from left menu. Or at the work area of the dashboard itself, click the + Add New option. Then choose Number as card type.
Give the card a name. This name is also used as hashtag to uniquely identify a Numberish card. Use letters and numbers only. No spaces or other special characters are allowed.
Also give this card a good description so that you and others can find this card, and understand the meaning.
At the Value text box, you set the current value of your card. At the format, choose an option from the list. You can choose between number, currency and percentage. Optionally you can set the number of decimals. Set to 0 when you are using whole numbers.
Finally you can declare this card as a public or private card. Public cards and values can be found, seen and followed by others. While private cards, are for you and you only.
Click the Save button to commit your changes.
At this point, we can see the Numberish card in runtime mode. Here we can basically only change the numeric value in the first text box. Directly below that, you will see how your value is formatted, based on the format you have chosen in the admin view.
Any change here will be written back to the Numberish database, and visible to all others using and following this card.